Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Digital marketing vs Traditional marketing

Traditional Marketing

/Traditional Marketing: Traditional marketing is the old way of marketing Technique. It refers to a kind of promotion, and advertisement includes flyers, billboards, TV ads, radio ads, print advertisements, banners , newspaper ads,  sponsorship etc. which companies used in the early period to market their product. 

The four phases of Traditional Marketing are Interest, Awareness, Desire, and Decision.

Traditional Marketing Concept : Traditional marketing concept focuses on products only and it aims in production and marketing of products and gaining more profit. Traditional marketing is profit oriented. It is based on old marketing concept and refers to a narrow concept. Traditional marketing concept is based on push marketing. It is one dimensional as the only target of it is to sell the product and get the profit. Most commonly used traditional marketing strategies are :

  • Business cards

    TV and Radio ads

  • Billboards and signage

  • Flyers and brochures

  • Telephone marketing

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing Concept : Advantages :

  • Opportunity for powerful creative efforts
  • Easy to understand
  • Easier reach to local target audience

Disadvantages :

  • Little interaction
  • Targeted customer is minimal

Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing is a modern way of marketing Technique. In which we promote, selling products and services by online marketing. It also refers to the Marketing of any kind of business through digital media and devices such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. 

The four phases of Digital Marketing are Planning, Conversation, Content, and Sequels. 

2. Modern Marketing Concept : Modern marketing concept focuses on customer’s need and wants and it aims in meeting the customer’s satisfaction. Modern marketing is customer oriented. It is based on new marketing concept and refers to a broader concept. Traditional marketing concept is based on pull marketing. It is multidimensional as along with selling product and getting profit it also gives emphasis on customer satisfaction, planning, after sales service and many other variables. Most commonly used modern marketing strategies are :

  • Internet ads
  • E-mail marketing
  • E-commerce website
  • Use of social media
  • Marketing automation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Marketing Concept : Advantages :

  • Higher ROI
  • Deeper levels of customer engagement and targeting
  • Cost effective
  • Opened to larger and bigger markets

Disadvantages :

  • Requires technical skill to be active in digital marketing and in use of internet
  • More costly in implementation 
  • Traditional marketing concepts focuses on products only  whereas modern marketing concepts focuses on customers needs and wants. 
  • In traditional marketing the objective is maximus profit whereas the modern marketing the objective is maximum customer satisfaction. 
  • Traditional marketing term is short term oriented whereas the modern making is long term oriented. 
  • The target customer is focused on selling and availing high profit in traditional marketing whereas in modern marketing it targets customer in focus of providing products services  and availing satisfactory  profit.

Difference between traditional marketing vs digital marketing 

Medium: Digital marketing primarily uses digital channels such as websites, social media platforms, email, and search engines to reach and engage with the audience, while traditional marketing relies on offline mediums like print ads, TV, radio, billboards, and direct mail.

  • Targeting: Digital marketing allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, behavior, and location, enabling businesses to reach specific audiences. Traditional marketing generally has a broader reach but lacks the same level of targeting precision.
  • Cost: Digital marketing can often be more cost-effective compared to traditional marketing. Running online ads or social media campaigns typically requires lower budgets than producing and airing TV commercials or printing large-scale advertisements.
  • Measurement and Analytics: Digital marketing provides extensive measurement and analytics tools to track campaign performance, monitor user engagement, and measure return on investment (ROI). Traditional marketing methods often lack the same level of detailed and real-time data analysis.
  • Interactivity and Engagement: Digital marketing offers interactive features, such as comments, likes, shares, and direct messaging, allowing for immediate engagement and two-way communication with the audience. Traditional marketing is generally more one-way and lacks the same level of interactivity.
  • Global Reach: Digital marketing has the potential for global reach, as it transcends geographical boundaries. With the internet, businesses can target audiences worldwide. Traditional marketing methods are often limited to specific regions or local markets.
  • Flexibility and Agility: Digital marketing campaigns can be adjusted and optimized in real-time based on data and performance metrics. Changes can be made quickly, allowing for greater flexibility and agility compared to traditional marketing, which often requires more lead time and effort for modifications.
  • Personalization: Digital marketing enables personalized communication and tailored messaging to individual users or specific segments, based on their preferences, browsing behavior, or previous interactions. Traditional marketing typically lacks the same level of personalization.
  • Timing and Scheduling: Digital marketing allows businesses to control the timing and scheduling of their campaigns more precisely. Ads can be scheduled to run at specific times or targeted during peak user activity periods. Traditional marketing methods often have less control over timing.
  • Evergreen Content and Longevity: Digital marketing can create evergreen content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics, which can continue to generate value and attract audiences over an extended period. Traditional marketing methods often have a limited lifespan and may require continuous investment to maintain visibility.

It’s important to note that digital and traditional marketing approaches can complement each other, and a well-rounded marketing strategy may include elements from both domains to maximize reach and effectiveness.

The traditional marketing concepts is oriented towards company view point which is sell the procuts to the customer irrespective of customer needs and wants where as the modern marketing concepts is oriented towards customer view point in which company  looks for the need and wants of customers and then only customize the products. 

Traditional marketing is   single dimensional as the sole target lies  in selling  of goods to customer for earning profits, whereas the modern and digital marketing is  a multidimensional as it makes out not only in selling of goods to the customers for earning profits but gains customer satisfaction too. 

In traditional marketing it is not cost effective compared to modern marketing as it involves a lot of printing material cost. Whereas in digital it is cost effective. 

Traditional marketing is not a suitable approach for targeting a large audience when compare to modern marketing approach. 

There are eight types of digital marketing services we offered  

  • Content Marketing – Content marketing mainly focuses on generating content and then distributing it to a specified target audience. The objective is to drive the customer to your platform and engage them.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – SEO focuses on optimizing content with the help of various SEO tools. so it’s relevant to your target audience. The process is used to generate organic traffic on your website via search engines.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Search Engine Marketing focuses on generating traffic using paid alternatives. The process is used on search engines by paying a certain amount.
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) – Social Media Marketing focuses on using social media platforms to appeal to your specific target audience. SMM also helps in maintaining a relationship with customers.
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) – With PPC, the marketing team has to pay for every click on their ads.
  • Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate Marketing focuses on individuals and businesses collaborating or affiliating with businesses and helping them generate traffic. Every time a customer clicks the link on the affiliate’s page, blog, etc, the affiliates receive a commission from it.
  • Email Marketing – Email Marketing strategy focuses on sending Emails to your current as well as potential customers and increasing engagement.

  • Instant Messaging Marketing (IMM) – IMM focuses on sending Instant Messages to your customers

Myths and facts 

The discussion regarding the efficiency of digital marketing and traditional marketing still continues. A lot of people think that digital marketing has been taking over traditional marketing. The marketing arena is changing after many of the Newspapers going digital.

Traditional marketing has fallen over the years because of the invent of smartphones and their convenience. People find digital gadgets a lot more user-friendly. Hence, marketers have changed their targeting techniques and switched to digital.

Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing has many facets. For instance, it includes tangible items like print ads in magazines or newspapers, business cards. It can also include commercials on radio or TV, posters, brochures and billboards. Anything except digital ways to promote your brand is traditional marketing.

Another meaning of traditional marketing is when people find your business through reference or network and start buying your product or service. It is a conventional form of marketing your brand, which helps to reach an audience with offline modes of advertising.

The major fundamental aspects of traditional marketing remain the same even though it has evolved over the years. The selling techniques remain on the four P’s- product, price, promotion and place. Every brand should know how to include these four P’s of marketing in their business.

The four P’s of marketing



  • Product- When you have a better understanding of your product, only then will you be able to effectively market it. A product can be an intangible service or a good that fulfills the needs and wants of the target audience.

  • Price- The cost of the product is based on how familiar you are with it. When it comes to demand, supply, profit margin, etc, price is to be kept in mind.

  • Promotion- The way you advertise your product and show it to the target customers is known as promotion. Promotion can be digital or traditional.

  • Place- Putting the right product at the right time and place in front of your target group is what traditional marketing relies on. When you place a product in the right situation, you increase the chances of converting the prospects into consumers.

Digital marketing

As long as technology is evolving, digital marketing continues to grow. Digital marketing includes social media mentions, websites, banner ads and YouTube videos. Digital marketing is quite similar to traditional marketing but just uses digital devices. One can start promoting business through social media marketing. Online marketing is a form of inbound marketing, and its main aim is for customers to find you.

Marketing your business through social media channels becomes easy like online organic search, paid search or by reading content online like article or blog. The audience becomes familiar with your content as and when they keep seeing it, which helps build trust.

Advantages of social media marketing

  • Increased brand awareness

  • More inbound traffic

  • Search engine rankings start improving

  • Higher conversion rates

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Improved brand loyalty

  • Cost-effective


Advantages of traditional marketing

  • Longevity

  • Finding ads in newspapers, magazines or on billboards is easy


Disadvantages of traditional marketing

  • Reaches only the local audience

  • In some cases, results can’t be measured

  • Expensive as compared to digital marketing

  • Traditional marketing is one way and static


Why digital marketing?

  • Results are easier to measure

  • Digital marketing campaigns can reach a lot of people

  • One can tailor their campaign as per the audience

  • Engaging way of reaching your audience

  • There is direct contact between the business and its audience

  • Two-way communication


Is there a balance between traditional marketing and digital marketing?

The world has changed into a digital domain. We perform a lot of our daily activities online, like reading the newspaper and banking. Due to the growth of the digital age, it is better that marketers start investing in digital campaigns. The traditional market still has its audience, but it is decreasing due to the digital world. We live in a world where it is essential to have a website and use the internet to engage with the audience. Hence, businesses should carry on their traditional promotion but also ensure that they are present digitally and are planning on expanding their online presence.

Why digital marketing 

Digital marketing is important because it connects a business with its customers when they are online, & is effective in all industries. It connects businesses with ideal customers when they are on Google through SEO & PPC, on social media with social media marketing, & through email with email marketing.   

Every business needs digital marketing. It’s necessary you understand the benefits of digital marketing for businesses, which include:

Table of Contents

  • 1. AffordabilityDigital marketing is considerably less expensive than other marketing methods. Specific prices vary based on what you’re doing but ad spend tends to be lower than other forms of marketing.

  • 2. Mobile Access– 

You may not know this but  77 percent of American adults own a smartphone and are likely to use that smartphone or another mobile device for news, social networking, and countless other activities. Digital marketing helps you reach them while they’re doing this. With remarketing ads, email and text marketing, and social media – you can be in front of your audience while they use many different apps on their mobile phones.

  • 3. Flexibility

  • There are many forms and uses of high quality digital marketing, including banner ads, email marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. Thus by learning how to creatively market yourself digitally, you open up a wide range of possibilities for future publicity strategies. With digital marketing, you also have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly performing campaigns in real time.

  • 4. Expansion : Many consumers do almost all of their shopping online. Digital marketing lets you appeal to these people and thus expand the reach of your company. Between Google Shopping Ads and brand awareness campaigns, you can expand your brand recognition and boost sales

  • 5. Multimedia : Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine multiple types of content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It is far easier to incorporate all these content types into digital marketing than any other type of publicity – and it is very important

  • 6. Interactivity : Digital marketing lets you communicate directly with the customers who see your content, notably through website comments, messages, reviews, and social media posts. This shows those customers that you care about what they say and think, leading them to feel respected and part of the community you’re building. It also allows you to gather invaluable information on customers’ reactions and preferences.

  • 7. Tracking  Besides communicating with customers, digital marketing lets you track their activities. You can monitor which ads and types of content they have seen shortly before they make a purchase. This tells you which marketing methods are most effective, allowing you to refine and improve your strategy.

  • 8. AuthorityDigital marketing makes it easy to comment on issues and controversies that relate to your product or your industry. In this way, you can establish yourself as an authority on such topics, leading readers to trust you, come back for more information, and eventually make a purchase. Digital marketing allows you to come off as the industry expert that you are and will instill trust in your business.

Many of the most influential figures in modern culture promote themselves online or through social media. Digital marketing allows you to engage with these influencers and gain their respect. If you play your cards right, you can get them to endorse you, leading their followers to become customers and spread brand awareness.

Digital marketing lets you expand on your print marketing efforts. By writing online content that explains claims you make in your print ads, you can go into greater detail, maximizing the effectiveness of all forms of publicity and integrating your campaigns.

Why Choose Digital Marketing Takeaways:

  • 1. More modern consumers are going digital.

  • 2. Digital marketing strategies are affordable.

  • 3. It is easy to track and monitor your digital campaigns.

  • 4. Your brand can provide a more interactive experience through digital marketing channels.

  • 5. Digital marketing channels allow you to be a part of the conversation about your company.

  • 6. With digital marketing, you can respond to trends in real-time.

  • 7. Your business can significantly increase reach.

  • 8. Digital marketing can help brands improve their customer relationships.

  • 9. Digital marketing tactics pair well with traditional print marketing.

  • 10. Your competitors are doing it!

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Why Choose Digital Marketing Takeaways:

The benefits of digital marketing for businesses include:

  • Lower costs and higher flexibility for your marketing efforts

  • Access to consumers who rely on their mobile phones or do all their shopping online

  • The ability to speak with authority on topics related to your product or industry

  • A chance to engage with influencers, earn their respect and get them to endorse your company

  • Opportunities to incorporate multiple types of media into your marketing

  • The ability to track customers’ purchase journeys